Can I Add My Own Freelancers to nDash?

Yes indeed! Company users can now add their own freelancers (aka "VIP's") to their nDash account to lower the payment processing to a 5% transaction fee. 

Here's how to add your existing freelancers:

1. Log into your account and click on "Group Settings" from the left navigation

2. Click on "Add or Manage Members" 

3. Click on "Invite People"

4. Enter the email of the person you'd like to invite as a "VIP" freelancer, select the radio button for VIP, and click "Send Invite".

That's it! 

Once the writer accepts the invite, you'll automatically see them listed under the "My Team" section. Please note that all freelancers will need to connect a Stripe account to receive payments.

A few important notes: 

  • In order to add someone as a VIP writer, they need to either be new to the nDash community (i.e. they do not have an account yet) or their account needs to be less than 30 days old. 
  • VIP writers can only see the assignments you send to them -- they do not have access to other projects or billing information. 
  • VIP writers may choose to request full verification into the nDash community and get access to other clients and projects. 

For questions on this, or to get help adding your existing freelance writers, please contact us at

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