How can I request writer verification?
In order to view and apply to assignments, as well as to view companies to pitch, you first need to get your writer account approved by a member of the nDash Community team. This quick help topic will address how to complete this process, but also give you some insight into why we’ve made it a requirement.
If you are an un-approved writer, you’ll notice this pop-up when navigating to certain areas of the platform:
The red “X” next to line items, shows the sections of your profile that still need to be completed. Please visit this help topic that explains how to complete the perfect writer profile.
Once you have completed all sections on your profile, you can then click the “Request Access” button next to your name, on your profile.
Once you have requested access, you’ll receive a pop-up letting you know that the community team over at nDash will be reviewing your profile and will be in touch if they have any questions.
Your profile will then showcase “Pending” where the “Request Access” button was until it has been approved by nDash.
If you don't hear back after 90 days, you are able to update your writer profile and re-request access. To learn more about what we look for when vetting writers, read this help topic.