When can I ask for a refund?
We will refund content that has been plagiarized or sold to multiple brands on the nDash platform. Both of these rarely happen, but both actions are grounds for a writer's account to be terminated - and the money will be refunded back to your account.
We do not provide refunds for content that is poorly written. Because nDash is a transparent platform, it’s 100% on your team to vet the writers’ writing samples and their work history.
If you're unsure who to send the content to, we encourage you to:
- Ask about our paid onboarding, where we'll administer writing tests so you can have an apples-to-apples comparison of writers that may be a fit for your brand
- Choose a Staff Pick if you're unsure who to send an assignment to
- Message our Customer Success team using the chat icon on the bottom right corner of the screen
We pride ourselves on vetting qualified and professional freelance writers. To learn more about how we choose which writers enter our verified writing community, click here.