What price point should I put into the assignment that I created?

When you click Create Assignment put the amount that you had in mind for this piece of content. 

Once you do send an assignment to a specific writer - or as a Staff Pick - writers are able to send a counter-offer, which you can either agree to or counter-back at. We like to keep the doors open for negotiation for both sides, so that everyone is happy with the piece of content and payment.

Alternatively, when creating a new assignment, you can simply select the option for, "Let writers make the first offer". For this, they'll review the assignment and provide a price based on the scope.

Feel free to reference our pricing guide as well, to learn more about the content pricing landscape. It’s important to note that several factors go into the price of content including the expertise the piece of content requests, level of education the writer has, length of the content, delivery time, and the number of editing rounds you expect.  

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