How can I request content ideas?

If it's time to fill your company's content calendar (or your client's calendar) then it's very important that your group profile has been filled out and/or updated so that the ideas you receive reflect the type of content you'd like to create. 

There are three ways to request content ideas:

1. Post an open idea request to our community of writers: to do this, click Request Ideas on the top right of your dashboard. Provide writers with a little bit of information on what you're looking for (i.e. if there are specific types of topics you'd like to talk about), and then send it out. Writers in our community will be able to view this request for 72 hours.

2. Request an idea from a specific writer: in this scenario, you've found a writer on nDash that you'd like to work with. From their profile page, click the Lightbulb near their profile picture to request a content idea. It's important that you provide them with a little bit of direction in terms of the content idea you'd like to see.

3. Ask In-House writers to pitch a content idea: to do this, click Writers on the left sidebar, then click In-House at the top. From there, you're able to ask any of your In-House writers to pitch a content idea by clicking the Lightbulb on the bottom left of their writer card. 

To edit (or take down) your request for pitches, click Ideas on the left sidebar and then click Requests on the top. You’ll be able to edit your posting for more pitches (both posted to the community and directly to a writer) and you’ll also be able to delete your request for pitches there as well.

If ideas come in that you like, be sure to click on the ribbon on the bottom left corner to add those ideas to your Saved tab under Ideas

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