How can I request a guest blog on nDash?
One of our newer features, guest blogging, is a great tool to:
- Provide company employees with the opportunity to write a byline for your blog
- Provide freelance writers with an opportunity to write a byline for your company's blog
- Fill your content calendar and blog with amazing third-party authors, really showcasing the diversity of your audience and expertise
How does it work?
A guest blog can only be initiated by someone who has a writer's profile on nDash.
When a writer comes across a company for which they’d like to write a bylined article, they are then able to pitch a type of post that is labeled “Guest Post.” While these posts are technically free for the company, they do require brands to include the writer’s name on the piece.
If you’re a brand that is interested in securing a guest blog, click Request Ideas on the top right of your dashboard. In the “optional summary section," say something like:
Currently looking for guest blogs! Happy to give you credit for the article and a backlink to your profile. Please select “Guest Post” as the content type when sending our way!